
This short HowTo guides you from downloading HEMDAG library, load it into your R environment and make first computations.


Please go to the Installation section and install HEMDAG by using one of the ways shown.

Load HEMDAG Library

Start R in your console using

$ R

then load the library by using

> library(HEMDAG)

First Classification – for the Impatient

HEMDAG encompasses in total 23 hierarchical ensemble methods. Below we show the simple call to all the hierarchical ensemble algorithms included in HEMDAG, bu using the pre-built datasets available in the HEMDAG for making predictions. For more details about datasets and methods have a look to section Tutorial.

  1. Loading the pre-built dataset of HEMDAG
# load the DAG g
> data(graph);

# load the scores matrix S
> data(scores);

# load the annotation matrix L
> data(labels);

# compute the root node
> root <- root.node(g);
  1. HTD-DAG: Hierarchical Top-Down for DAG
> S.htd  <- htd(S, g, root);
  1. GPAV: Generalized Pool-Adjacent-Violators
> S.gpav <- gpav.over.examples(S, g, W=NULL);
  1. TPR-DAG (True Path Rule for DAG) and all its 18 ensemble variants
> S.tprTF         <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="threshold.free", topdown="htd");
> S.tprT          <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="threshold", topdown="htd", t=0.5);
> S.tprW          <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="weighted.threshold.free", topdown="htd", w=0.5);
> S.tprWT         <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="weighted.threshold", topdown="htd", t=0.5, w=0.5);

> S.descensTF     <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="threshold.free", topdown="htd");
> S.descensT      <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="threshold", topdown="htd", t=0.5);
> S.descensW      <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="weighted.threshold.free", topdown="htd", w=0.5);
> S.descensWT     <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="weighted.threshold", topdown="htd", t=0.5, w=05);
> S.descensTAU    <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="tau", topdown="htd", t=0.5);

> S.isotprTF      <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="threshold.free", topdown="gpav");
> S.isotprT       <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="threshold", topdown="gpav", t=0.5);
> S.isotprW       <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="weighted.threshold.free", topdown="gpav", w=0.5);
> S.isotprWT      <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="children", bottomup="weighted.threshold", topdown="gpav", t=0.5, w=0.5);

> S.isodescensTF  <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="threshold.free", topdown="gpav");
> S.isodescensT   <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="threshold", topdown="gpav", t=0.5);
> S.isodescensW   <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="weighted.threshold.free", topdown="gpav", w=0.5);
> S.isodescensWT  <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="weighted.threshold", topdown="gpav", t=0.5, w=0.5);
> S.isodescensTAU <- tpr.dag(S, g, root, positive="descendants", bottomup="tau", topdown="gpav", t=0.5);
  1. Obozisnki heuristic methods
> S.max <- obozinski.max(S,g,root);
> S.and <- obozinski.and(S,g,root);
> S.or  <- obozinski.or(S,g,root);